Monday, January 29, 2007
*hopefully I will be back tomorrow with a new SPC entry.
Monday, January 22, 2007
I am now in my early 30's! Eeeekkk!!!
In other news, I turned 31 yesterday. I don't think I know what I think about that quite yet. I still feel like I am 20. I have a hard time sputtering out 31 when asked my age. I remember being a teenager, and thinking "My God, 30 is old!!" But at the same time, I thought by the time I turned 30 I would have figured everything out and know everything. Well, turns out, I don't know much more than from when I was 20!! I feel more at ease with myself and I "know" myself better, but I still couldn't explain the meaning of life or the reason why the world has so many problems in a intellectual or philosophical manner. BUT, I have three wonderful kids that I have learned a thing or two from throughout that last 6+ years. I can tell you that the meaning of the life in my small world is to ENJOY it and be accepting of people and their differences, to love one another, to be courteous and kind, to laugh and hug. It's not about how much time you spend at work or how much money is in your account, or what kind of house you live in, car you drive or clothes you wear. It's about how many memories you make with your loved ones and that you lend a helping hand to someone in need, and that you give a little of your self. It's not about "ME,ME,ME!!!" But, US,US,US!!! In the small and large spectrum. Life shouldn't be about what you can do for me, but what can we do for each other or together. I think if most people could see things this way, we would live in a much happier and peaceful world.
Maybe turning 31 won't be that bad. After all, your only as old as you feel, Right!?
Friday, January 19, 2007
MOVING, weekend!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Biggie!!!
Nolan's is a loving boy that will run up to people and give them the biggest hug and be so glad to see them. He loves to eat and he loves his cars and trucks. He LOVES music and to groove to the beat! He also loves books and to read. We often find him in his room, sitting in the chair with a pile of books beside him, "reading". He also loves his baths and by the way he has been acting in the tub, we are excited to get him in the pool this summer!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Nolan!! You are the greastest little guy!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
SPC #3 To Maintain Peace and Happiness in Chaos
Monday, January 15, 2007
It's Done
Tom is home today for MLK day, so we are gong to be moving stuff to our storage unit in between him working on his assignments for school this week. According to his professor this class he is in is the cornerstone of the MBA program and it is going to require lots of work and time. I have seriously been contemplating going back to school when he is finished(which will be March 28th to be exact) but the thing is, I am not sure for WHAT?! I know I would love to get my teaching degree, but sometimes I wonder if I really have the patience for teaching. Being the complete and utter indecisive person that I am, I would love to hear some career ideas from you people!! I know that may sound really odd to be asking friends and complete strangers what to do with my life, but that is what I am doing. Just to give you all some insight on me, I have worked LOTS of different jobs mostly customer service related, but my most favorite jobs were working at a coffee shop and waitressing. I think because I love people and being around them. I liked my "regulars" but also everyday meant meeting new people. Don't misunderstand, I don't want to do either of these jobs at this stage in my life. Being in my early 30's and with three kids, I would rather not be working nights!! Plus, I want a career and I want to go back to school and be a student again. The degree that I already have is really useless for me now, because I have no interest in it any longer!!! I have thought about something in the medical field, but it has to be one where there is not a lot of gore and guts!! I told Tom the only kind of 'nurse' I could be would be a L/D nurse, because yes, there is blood and gore, but also there is a brand new life to cancel out the yuck! So please help! Bring on the suggestions, I am open to a lot of different ideas! Happy Monday!
* I know this blog is kinda weird and all over the place, but I am feeling like that is how my life is right now!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Go Away Sickies!!!!!!!!!!! Please!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
What a disapointment!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Date Night!!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Resolutions? What?
- Start in on my daily walks again. Not solely for exercise, but for my mental well-being and stress reliever.
- To take better care of my body. I need to take it easy on the beer and wine and consume more water and healthier alternatives to the alcohol. Not saying I am going to completely cut out the vino and brewskies, but just not so many and not as often!
- To read more and watch less TV. I love reading and I do it quite often, but I also fry my brain entirely too much in front of the boob tube at night once the kids are in bed.
- To not lose my patience with the kids over the little things. They are too special to me and life is too short to worry over messes and petty fights between them.
- To completely organize my house, files, well..... life as soon as we get into our new house!
- To learn a new skill or find a new hobby. I don't care what it is, but anything new to me.
- Maybe think seriously about going back to school!
I don't know if anyone else makes resolutions, but if so, good luck on trying to keep them and again Happy 2007!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Hello 2007!!
Our New Year's Eve was completely relaxing and great. We did NOTHING!! It is a tradition with Tom and I to do exactly that every year. We like the time spent snuggling on the couch with some drinks and then later champagne, watching movies and the ball drop and seeing the New Year come in with just the two of us. We have even been known to turn down plans and invites by other people for New Year's! Maybe someday, we'll get crazy and actually do something on New Year's, but for now I like our little tradition. We did have a nice dinner of pork and sauerkraut on New Year's day with Tom's family. Again, tradition because who wants bad luck in the new coming year!!
As you can tell from the picture below, they have begun the work on our new house. We even have our basement walls now!! I will soon post a pic of the kids in front of the site wearing their hard hats!! I am also going to be comprising a list of resolutions and things that I want to happen in the new year. Maybe, I will get around to that post tomorrow!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and loving Christmas, and I wish you all a healthy and prosperous New Year!! Our NEW home(to be)!