Monday, January 22, 2007

I am now in my early 30's! Eeeekkk!!!

No pics today! Sorry folks, life is just too messy and chaotic right now to worry about catching moments!! We have moved in with my parents and slowly getting adjusted. There is still a TON of stuff and crap to do at our old house, but we have another weekend to get that done. Whew!
In other news, I turned 31 yesterday. I don't think I know what I think about that quite yet. I still feel like I am 20. I have a hard time sputtering out 31 when asked my age. I remember being a teenager, and thinking "My God, 30 is old!!" But at the same time, I thought by the time I turned 30 I would have figured everything out and know everything. Well, turns out, I don't know much more than from when I was 20!! I feel more at ease with myself and I "know" myself better, but I still couldn't explain the meaning of life or the reason why the world has so many problems in a intellectual or philosophical manner. BUT, I have three wonderful kids that I have learned a thing or two from throughout that last 6+ years. I can tell you that the meaning of the life in my small world is to ENJOY it and be accepting of people and their differences, to love one another, to be courteous and kind, to laugh and hug. It's not about how much time you spend at work or how much money is in your account, or what kind of house you live in, car you drive or clothes you wear. It's about how many memories you make with your loved ones and that you lend a helping hand to someone in need, and that you give a little of your self. It's not about "ME,ME,ME!!!" But, US,US,US!!! In the small and large spectrum. Life shouldn't be about what you can do for me, but what can we do for each other or together. I think if most people could see things this way, we would live in a much happier and peaceful world.
Maybe turning 31 won't be that bad. After all, your only as old as you feel, Right!?


AMANDA said...

Well put. It should be about US! That is so right on.
I hope you had a fun filled bday!

Anonymous said...

All I can think about is that party we had for our birthdays, over Superbowl weekend, with kegs of Natty Light Ice.

So much fun! Wishing you the best year ever!