Monday, January 28, 2008

Too bad there isn't such a thing

Today Tom starts his new job(Good Luck Honey!). He had his box of things from his old desk to take today for his new location. He had lots of odds and ends in the box, and Janey was watching him go through it. The conversation went as such;
Janey: "Do you still have to have cough drops Daddy?" (he has had terrible cough that has lasted awhile)
Tom: "No, I don't think I am going to need them anymore."
Janey: "You NEED to get stinker drops."
She had me cracking up at 7:00 this morning. We might have a budding comedian on our hands!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Nolan!!

Today Nolan turns 3! He is such a wonderful little boy. Ornery, but very sweet when he wants to be. My favorite thing about him right now is that he likes to go around the house naked and wear other peoples shoes. The choice as of late, are Chloe's boots. Isn't his little hiney so cute!! Weirdos stay away!!!!
He has been doing great going potty. No number 2's, but he will come around! I 'm not stressing about it too much, afterall he is my baby and my last.
He loves his sisters so much, and he loves it when they get off of the school bus. He has missed them so much! But he is normal, and it doesn't take long for him to start fighting with them!! He completed our family and I am forever thankful for him. How could you not fall in love with that face?!

Happy 3rd Birthday Nolan. I hope someday you will know how much you are loved. May you grow up to be a strong, caring, loving, sweet and kind man. Just like your Daddy. I love you my little man. *kisses and hugs* to you Bubby!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ho Hum

I had an interview today at the hospital. Actually, I had three consecutive interviews for a position at a physician's office. I initially had an interview scheduled with HR, but I guess things went well enough that she sent me over to the hiring manager for an interview. After meeting with her, I had to interview with the physician. It went well and frankly, it is a job that I would like to have. It doesn't hurt that the benefits seem great(FREE dental for the whole fam!!), plus 4 weeks of paid time off per year. It is the hours that I am struggling with. I was hoping to start work at 8:30am, so I could at least get the girls off to school. Unfortunately, the hours are M,T,TH and F 8-5 and on Weds. 7-12, sometimes 5. It is a rotating schedule on Weds. I am brainstorming and trying to come up with a plan so that if the job is offered to me, I will have a plan for the girls. I would love any insight from you readers!! Not much else is new around here. I do have a new 'do'. Trying to get used to it. Don't tell Tom, but I really miss my blond hair. I am telling myself to keep it this way until spring. I just hope I can hold out that long, so I don't have to hear "I told you so" from Tom.

Chloe has started basketball and made her first basket in a game this year last Saturday. She seems to love basketball and is doing great this year. Sorry the pictures are blurry, but as I was trying to take them Nolan was climbing and pulling on me! Story of my life!!

Speaking of Nolan, he turns 3 on Friday and we are having a party for him on Saturday. We are doing the whole 'Cars' theme and he is super excited for his cake!! I can't believe he is turning 3 already! Where has the time gone.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Holy Mother

I have a hangover! I am too old for this crap! Yes, it was fun while we were at the winery tasting and drinking with friends. And yes, it did seem like a good idea to walk over to a local historical landmark watering hole and continue the chatting and drinking. But when you can't remember coming home and you still feel like dog doo at 11:30 the next morning, it is time to call it quits!! I am done. No more can I treat my body like this. I am getting old. Crikey, I will be 32 in about a week and I think my mind and body are finally speaking to me and saying, "We have been putting up with your shit for a long time now, and we are taking a stand! We will make sure that you will feel like this every time you decide to over-indulge in spirits!" So I have decided to listen. As I said, I am done. Now I need to spend the day trying to detox myself of the poison running through my insides. I wish I could take a nap..... for like the rest of the day. Tomorrow is a new day, one that I will begin treating my body nicer.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Weekend Recap

I know that I am probably way behind most of you, but Tom and I saw a great movie this weekend. We saw 'Reign Over Me'. Now I have seen lots of tear-jerkers in my day, but this is the sadest movie I have ever seen. Don't get me wrong it was a great movie, but really sad. It is one of those movies that makes you think. What would happen to me if everything that means anything to me and everything I love suddenly wasn't there anymore. If you need a good cry, rent it. We also rented 'Zodiac'. It was good too. Creepy, but good. Since the holidays are over, Tom and I are back into movie rental mode. Although, not tonight. We will be watching the big game! Oh, how I hope our Bucks will pull through and win. Not to be a fair-weather fan, but I am not holding my breath for a win. I know, I know, what kind of fan am I?! I just hope if they can't win, they will put up a fight!
Tomorrow I have my first interview! Yay!!! I have an initial interview and testing at State Farm. They have a regional office here and I am really hoping it goes well. Anybody who wants to cross their fingers for me is more than welcome to do so. I will keep you posted! Oh, Go Bucks!!!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Merry New Year

Oh, where to begin! We have had a fun-filled, busy but relaxing couple weeks. Christmas was great-Santa came, left goodies, ate his treats and everyone was happy! Thanks to my hubby, I will be enjoying an hour long relaxing massage from a local spa here soon! Thank you so much honey! The kids got everything they asked for and then some. I have such great kids, Chloe only asked for Coconut(a dog for her American Girl doll) and a National Geographic Solar system Janey asked for a crib for her Bitty Baby and a candy cane, and Nolan asked for a firetruck.
The following two pictures are when the girls came around the corner and saw that, yes, in fact Santa had come during the night! Aren't they hilarious!

We did Christmas with my family the Saturday before Christmas. Then on Christmas Eve, we celebrated with Tom's family and went to church. On Christmas night I cooked dinner for my parents and it was low-key and relaxing. I really like being able to stay home on Christmas. It makes for a nice day and the kids get to play with their toys all day.

We stuck with tradition and did nothing on New Year's. The kids stayed up a little later and then Tom and I had our game of Trivial Pursuit and drinkies. We rang in the New Year with some champagne and a kiss. I think 2008 is going to be a great year. A year of change, but a good one too.

The girls were excited to go back to school today. Actually, they were ready last week! Today is an exciting day for them; they get to go to a brand new school! Our district has been building and renovating schools and their new building was completed right before Christmas break, so during break the teachers and administrators moved from the old building to the new one. I took them to school today so I could see it and it is amazing! Next Thursday night they are having the ribbon-cutting and Open House, so I will get to see more of it then and Tom will get to see it too!
My little blog break was nice, but I am ready to post more regularly. No news on the job front for me yet. Tom will most likely start his new job the last week of January. I have submitted my resume to a few companies, so hopefully something comes through before he starts his new job. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Happy New Year to all, and may this year bring us all, health, happiness and peace!