Thursday, January 03, 2008

Merry New Year

Oh, where to begin! We have had a fun-filled, busy but relaxing couple weeks. Christmas was great-Santa came, left goodies, ate his treats and everyone was happy! Thanks to my hubby, I will be enjoying an hour long relaxing massage from a local spa here soon! Thank you so much honey! The kids got everything they asked for and then some. I have such great kids, Chloe only asked for Coconut(a dog for her American Girl doll) and a National Geographic Solar system Janey asked for a crib for her Bitty Baby and a candy cane, and Nolan asked for a firetruck.
The following two pictures are when the girls came around the corner and saw that, yes, in fact Santa had come during the night! Aren't they hilarious!

We did Christmas with my family the Saturday before Christmas. Then on Christmas Eve, we celebrated with Tom's family and went to church. On Christmas night I cooked dinner for my parents and it was low-key and relaxing. I really like being able to stay home on Christmas. It makes for a nice day and the kids get to play with their toys all day.

We stuck with tradition and did nothing on New Year's. The kids stayed up a little later and then Tom and I had our game of Trivial Pursuit and drinkies. We rang in the New Year with some champagne and a kiss. I think 2008 is going to be a great year. A year of change, but a good one too.

The girls were excited to go back to school today. Actually, they were ready last week! Today is an exciting day for them; they get to go to a brand new school! Our district has been building and renovating schools and their new building was completed right before Christmas break, so during break the teachers and administrators moved from the old building to the new one. I took them to school today so I could see it and it is amazing! Next Thursday night they are having the ribbon-cutting and Open House, so I will get to see more of it then and Tom will get to see it too!
My little blog break was nice, but I am ready to post more regularly. No news on the job front for me yet. Tom will most likely start his new job the last week of January. I have submitted my resume to a few companies, so hopefully something comes through before he starts his new job. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Happy New Year to all, and may this year bring us all, health, happiness and peace!

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