I am sure it has something to do with the weather and also the fact that I was in Athens County last week, but I have been doing a lot of reminiscing of my college years and all the memories that I have from that time. I sure wish I had a scanner so I could post some doozies of some pictures here. I have been thinking of the apartment that I lived in on 8th Avenue at OSU and the fun parties that we had, and how we would have 3 kegs and not a one of us was 21 yet! Halloween at OU. And
walking through a Taco Bell drive-thru wasted with yes, you
Amanda! Do you remember that? And then as I was thinking fondly of my college years, my memory turned to the second apartment I lived in at OSU on 13th Avenue. How when my parents and brother moved me in, my brother could not believe that our folks were actually letting me live in such a place. It was an OLD house or something that had been made into a few apartments. In the kitchen, our trash can was essentially a Rubbermaid trash barrel, our coffee table was one of those wheels that are for wires or cables. But is was big enough for a group of people to come around it for a game of Quarters or Asshole. In the only bathroom, there were some pipe problems and I swear for MONTHS there was a hole in the wall right beside the toilet that looked directly down into the kitchen of the guys apartment next to ours. Nice, huh?! In the ceiling of my room I would hear scratching sounds and what not. It normally freaked me out a bit, but if I played my music loud enough, it would drown out the scratching noises. Sure enough, one day as I was getting ready for class, the scratching 'thing' made it's way through the plaster and out popped the bottom half of a huge raccoon(I think). Talk about freaking out!! I grabbed my stuff, ran out of my room and shut the door. After talking to our landlord and telling him what happened, I returned home to find that they had
tried to get the raccoon and patch the hole, but when they went to grab what they thought was a dead raccoon, they scared it and it ran back into the ceiling. They patched the hole anyways. Gee, thanks! I swear I slept with one eye opened the rest of the time I lived there!
The Dorm that I lived in Freshman year was an old insane asylum or hospital or something during WWII and it was haunted. I shit you not, it was. I wonder if everyone's college memories are as colorful as mine? Did everyone live in haunted WWII buildings, Keg central and shitholes in college? Sometimes I feel like a book should be written or a movie made about my college years. Didn't we talk about that once before
roomie and
roomie? You remember, we were sitting in a booth at that dive bar drinking pitchers of Natty or Bud Light talking about who would play us in our movie? Ahhh, good times.
Whenever I hear "Sweet Caroline" a feeling of nostalgia comes over me and I am so damn happy I have all the memories that I have. And then I want to get drunk and go to Mustard's and dance the night away. Thanks for the memories girls!