Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blog Break

I will be taking a mini break from blogging. We have a very busy couple weeks approaching and I don't see how or when I will be able to take the time to write about our life. We are closing on our house a week from Friday and will be moving the ENTIRE Memorial Day Weekend. Yipeeee!!! I have never been more excited to move in my life. We have a couple of walk throughs with our salesman and our contractor, but we will be moving in a week. I will email all of our friends and family to let you know our new address. Oh, I lied. I may take some time this weekend to blog because my Janey girl graduates from preschool tomorrow and you know I will take pictures that I will just have to post!! Other than that we will be busy trying to gather all of our sh%t from all over the county to get it in the new house. Seriously, we have belongings in at least 5 different places. So, yeah, that will be a blast. (insert sarcasm) I will check in on everyone elses blog when I can,because I think I have a blog addiction. Do they offer a support group for that or a sponsor of some kind? Anyhoo, I will be back soon. In the meantime, I will continue with my voyeuristic obsession and will be peering into your lives.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! That is so exciting, I can't wait to see the house. Good luck with the move!

AMANDA said...

Best of luck with the move! I can only imagine how happy you must be. I already put your new address in my book!