Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday, feelin' like Monday

What a yucky day! When I took the girls to school this morning it was 65 degrees and pouring down rain. Then it was completely gray and dreary for the whole day, and I did nothing. Absolutely nothing! But the thing is, my house is a wreck and we are having an Open House on Sunday. What was I thinking?!?! I kept telling myself, "Why clean now, when the kids will have it all destroyed by tonight and I will have to do again tomorrow anyway!" I am great with procrastinating and reasoning my procrastination. Also, I do great under pressure. With the help of Tom, we will have this house SPOTLESS by Sunday morning. With the crappy weather and rather yuck of a day, I had no picture opportunity so again I am posting some oldies but goodies.
Chloe and Janey as Sleeping Beauty and Snow White respectively
Tonight we are making homemade pizzas and then taking the kiddos to the mall for Santa and shopping. Tom will take them to shop for me, and then we will trade and the kids and I will look for something for him. It should be quite an adventure since all outings tend to be! As I said before, we will be cleaning all day tomorrow but then we are taking the girls to a movie on Sunday during our Open House. Wish us luck that someone walks into our house on Sunday and leaves an offer on the table!! We have our fingers crossed!!!
Nolan enjoyng cake on his first b-day! He will be turning 2 in a momth and a half!

Here's hoping everyone has a most enjoyable, fantabulous but relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

AMANDA said...