Sunday, September 09, 2007

"Happy Birthday Dear Janey-Do......"

As I started typing this post I realized that it wasn't but just a couple of hours ago 5 years ago that our little Janey entered this world and took us from a family of 3 to a family of 4 and became a little sister to Chloe. My pregnancy with Janey was so easy as pretty much it was with Chloe as well. I started labor just fine with just my water breaking at about 2:30pm. We took our time getting to the hospital after my mom picked up Chloe and I really wasn't feeling very hard contractions. Chloe and Janey( in my tummy!)

I started having terrible back pains, but not the normal labor pains that I had with Chloe. I could talk through all of the contractions that the monitor showed I was having. I remember telling my nurse(who looked to be about 13 years old) that I was having a tremendous backache and she brushed it off.

After awhile of having these back pains, the real labor pains came shooting through my body and my O.B came into to check on me. I was almost ready to push. Wow, that was fast! Little did he or we know that Janey had decided to come 'sunny-side' up and extremely fast through the birth canal. Less than two pushes she came screaming into the world and was whisked away by doctors and nurses because the cord had been wrapped around her neck and she was blue.

Janey's 1st Birthday

Not only was she blue, but she was completely bruised from her top lip all the way up her head. With her coming out the way she had, she had bruised her entire face on my pelvic bone. She had such a traumatic time trying to meet us for the first time. Janey's 2nd Birthday
Janey's 3rd Birthday
The doctors at the hospital said the bruising on her face and head wasn't a big deal and would fade over the next few days. When we took her to our pediatrician when she was a week old, he was concerned about the bruising because she had a serious looking bruise behind her ear which *could* indicate a skull fracture. He immediately sent us to Children's Hospital for a CAT scan to make sure that there wasn't any fractures.
Janey 4 years old Fall 2006

Thankfully, the CAT scan showed that everything was normal and we were utterly relieved that she was okay, just REALLY bruised! She has been 'perfect' to us and for our family since the day she came to us 5 years ago today. We are so lucky to have this little girl in our life. She makes every day a little brighter and a little more interesting.
Janey -Birthday Girl age 5

Happy 5th Birthday Janey! We love you so much skeeter.

In other news, Tom left for a business trip today and is just outside D.C until late Wednesday night. I will be doing it all on my own here until then. I am not looking forward to it considering he is my rock and my better half. I miss him so much already and he only left this morning. Wish me luck to get through until late Weds. night!

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