Tuesday, April 17, 2007

SPC #3 My Secret Weapon

I am finally getting back on track with the Self Portrait Challenge this week. April's challenge is all about body parts. Even the ones that may wobble a bit. Now, after three kids not a lot of my parts DON"T wobble. I chose to photograph what I feel are one of my best assets. My chest. Boobs, tiddies, tits, puppies, breasts, um, humps?! Whatever you want to call them. More specifically I chose to photograph my cleavage. I didn't really want to completely expose myself and I needed to keep it PG.

My cleavage or chest has really done a lot for me over the years. Funny, I know. I did get made fun of them when I was younger because I developed before all my friends did, but then I became the object of all of their envy as we got a little older! I have gotten free drinks with them in the past, especially handy when you are a poor college student!! They have nourished all three of my children. And they still make my hubby hot for me. Yes, they aren't as perky as they once were *whimper whimper cry* They probably aren't as pretty as they were when I was 17, but by golly they are mine and they are real!


AMANDA said...

Oh my gosh Kara. This is an absolutely gorgous photo. And I love all the names you have for "them." Funny post chica.

Anonymous said...

I do admire your boobies & that is an excellent picture. Really, it's so soft and just beautiful. Well done!