Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sweet Jane, Sweet Sweet Jane

Today is all about my girl Janey. She and I spent some time outside yesterday afternoon for some nature, fresh air and some lovely picture taking. Let me to you a little about Jane. She is the most stubborn child I have ever met! One of the major personality traits that i love about her. Yes, she pushes my buttons and she frustrates me, but I know that one day her stubbornness will serve her well.

She can be hysterically funny. She gets this little goofy thing about her that will make you go from being upset with her to smiling and laughing. She is so curious about everything, especially nature and bugs . She is not your typical girl. She does love her doll babies and Polly Pockets, but she can't resist a good mud puddle or an ant hill to observe for hours.

She loves to cook. Or more so, the idea of cooking. When I prepare her lunch for her, she has to concoct it into something very different from the PB&J and carrots. She also loves birthdays(it doesn't matter whose). Her and I often sing "Happy Birthday" in front of a cake she has made complete with candles from said PB&J and carrots. She loves, loves, loves to watch Food TV with me, especially Giada and Paula.

She goes by many nicknames i.e. Janey-Do, skeeter, skipper(she insists on skipping wherever we go instead of walking) scamper and my favorite Mini-Me. She is a spitting image of me when I was a little girl. Plus, it is most likely my fault she has the fore mentioned stubbornness. I love her to pieces. She loves her brother and sister. She fights with them and Mother Hens Nolan, but she truly loves them and she shows them that everyday. I can't wait to see what she becomes as she grows and matures. I do know that she will be great at whatever she chooses to do. She is my daughter. I am so utterly blessed

While watching Giada today at "rest" time.

Janey: What is she cookin' Mommy.

Me: I think it is a pork roast in a yummy looking wine sauce.

(Giada then begins to chop dried figs to add to the simmering sauce)

Janey: Eewww! Is that poop?!

Me:(hahahahahahahah)No baby, they are figs. kinda like big raisins.

Janey: Well it looks like she is chopping poop.

Me: Yes babe, it does kinda look like poop.

Note to self : *Never argue with this child*


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!

AMANDA said...

She is such a pretty little girl. I bet it was nice having some time with just her.