Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sisterly Love

I am beginning to see a new relationship blossom from my girls. Yes, they still fight and pester each other. But when they don't think I am watching I see them really take care of each other and love each other. They laugh, they hold hands, they play, they giggle, they get sad when the other gets punished. They have an incredible bond. I knew when we were going to have another baby after Chloe that I wanted her to have a sister. I wanted them to have each other for their whole lives, when Tom and I may not be here anymore. I look forward to the times and moments and secrets they will share as they get older. They are so lucky to have each other to lean on, to ask questions, to protect each other, to cry to and to talk with. I hope they will be the best of friends forever.........
"You can't think how I depend on you, and when your not there the color goes out of my life."
-Virginia Woolf--- to her sister
Day three of Spring Break was another winner. We did have some rain so we spent the day at the mall. We did some spring clothes shopping, had some lunch and enjoyed the stroll. They were all wonderfully behaved which is a shock considering Nolan loathes to shop and the stroller. But he must have been feelin' sympathetic to his ol' mamma and took it easy on me today. We have a great weekend planned. More to come later.


AMANDA said...

You'r girls are so precious. That is great that you see their relationship growing. I always wished I had a sister.

Anonymous said...

I like the new look. I'm with Amanda, I always wished I had a sister too. Especially when I was in high school. I bet Chloe will be such a big help to Janey.